How to Stay Creative + Safe During the COVID-19 Pandemic

The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken up our daily routines, and many people have been feeling anxious about keeping healthy and safe. All of this anxiety can result in a loss of creative drive, especially for those whose businesses depend on public gatherings, performances, or selling directly to customers. However, staying creative and safe during COVID-19 quarantine is definitely possible – here are some tips.

Look for new creative opportunities

COVID-19 restrictions may have a surprisingly positive effect on creativity, particularly if you’ve been doing something in one way for a long time. How can you use quarantine restrictions to your creative advantage? Maybe you can set up an online networking group and hold creative brainstorming sessions, design a new product based on pandemic-related customer feedback, or use bring lessons and courses to your audience via video. Challenge yourself to pivot your business in one new way during the pandemic, and see how that creative spark changes things.

Create new creative routines

We know that nobody has their quarantine routines figured out, but carving out some space in your day for creativity is definitely possible. If your usual routine has been disrupted during the pandemic, look for small ways to incorporate creative thinking into your day. For example, you might be able to jot down some ideas for a project during your morning coffee. Building regular creative time into your days as often as you can helps you shift your mindset more easily when you need to.

Take a break

Many people find that they’re better able to work through ideas while on the move, so make time to get outside each day – while maintaining proper physical distance, of course. Fresh air and exercise do wonders for our physical health as well as our emotional health, and sometimes the best ideas come when you’ve given your brain permission to stop and smell the roses for a little while.

We know that with all that goes along with the COVID-19 pandemic, creativity can seem like the least of your concerns. However, creativity is the backbone of all great businesses – and it’s also a fantastic way to unwind. Use these three tips to kick-start your creativity during quarantine today.
